🤖 OpenAI's GPT Store & Nabla's Healthcare Breakthrough

Discover OpenAI's upcoming GPT Store for AI monetization and Nabla's AI healthcare assistant that's revolutionizing doctor's tasks.

Hello there!

Here’s today’s summary:

🌟 OpenAI's GPT Store
📈 Analytics Beams Light on User Insights
🌐 AI Cyber Threats Surge Amid Innovations
🧠 San Francisco's 'Cerebral Valley' Rises
🌟 DeepMind's Suleyman Urges AI Licensing
📚 How to Build an AI Tool to Replace Your Sales Rep
🧰 AI Tools presented by MyZone.AI
🪄 Prompt of the Day

Reading time: 6 minutes

🗞️ Hottest News

1.🌟 OpenAI's GPT Store

OpenAI is set to unveil its GPT Store, a game-changer for AI enthusiasts to monetize custom AI agents.

2.🚑 Nabla's AI Revolution in Healthcare

Nabla secures $24M to enhance healthcare with its AI assistant, easing doctors’ workload with smart note-taking.

Source 🔎

3.🌐 AI Cyber Threats Surge Amid Innovations

Beware the digital doppelgänger! An alarming 89% spike in business email fraud has been linked to generative AI's cunning capabilities. These high-tech hoodwinks are a wake-up call to bolster our cybersecurity defenses and communication protocols, ensuring that AI innovation doesn't leave us vulnerable.

Source 🔎

4.🧠 San Francisco's 'Cerebral Valley' Rises

Attention, innovators and marketers: 'Cerebral Valley' is the new frontier for AI startups. With an investment tidal wave of $21.4 billion, this vibrant tech hive buzzes with promise—echoing past revolutions and hinting at a future where AI is the forebear of global advancements.

Source 🔎

5.🌟 DeepMind's Suleyman Urges AI Licensing

Mustafa Suleyman's new book rattles the status quo by likening AI deployment to releasing new pharmaceuticals—demanding oversight and regulatory licensing. A clarion call that may recalibrate how we innovate, market, and introduce AI technologies to the world.

Source 🔎

📚 How To

How to Build an AI Tool to Replace Your Sales Rep:

  1. Choose the AI Tools

    • Identify the AI tools used in the video: Synth Flow, Eleven Labs, and Twilio. These tools will help you create your AI sales assistant.

  2. Prepare Your Voice (Eleven Labs)

    • Sign up for an account on Eleven Labs.

    • Create a voice profile by uploading a clear voice recording of yourself (less than 10MB).

    • Customize voice settings for a more natural sound.

    • Save your voice profile, ready for integration.

  3. Connect Twilio

    • Sign up for Twilio and add credit to your account.

    • Connect Twilio to your Synth Flow account using the provided API key and Voice SID.

  4. Configure Your Sales Assistant (Synth Flow)

    • Create a new assistant in Synth Flow.

    • Select "Outbound Batch" as the assistant type.

    • Configure the assistant settings:

      • Provide a name for your assistant.

      • Specify your company details, values, and conversation purpose.

      • Set up a custom greeting based on your business needs.

      • Connect your voice profile from Eleven Labs.

      • Configure other settings like language, temperature, and more.

  5. Script Your Sales Calls

    • Create a script for your AI sales assistant that includes questions, responses, and objection handling.

    • Customize the script to align with your sales goals and objectives.

  6. Import and Manage Leads

    • Prepare a CSV file with lead information, including first names and phone numbers.

    • Import your leads into Synth Flow.

    • Organize your leads into groups based on your campaign objectives.

  7. Launch Your Campaign

    • Start a new campaign in Synth Flow.

    • Select your target group, set a budget, and choose the campaign's time zone.

    • Specify the calling hours to match your target audience's time.

    • Choose the Twilio number for outgoing calls.

    • Launch your campaign.

  8. Monitor Campaign Progress

    • Keep an eye on your campaign logs within Synth Flow.

    • Review interactions, answered calls, and conversations.

    • Extract valuable data and insights from the conversations.

  9. Iterate and Optimize

    • Continuously improve your AI sales assistant's script and responses based on real interactions.

    • Fine-tune your voice clone if necessary.

    • Adjust your campaign parameters for better results.

  10. Engage Leads Effectively

    • Use the information gathered from calls to tailor your sales approach.

    • Provide relevant solutions to leads' inquiries and objections.

    • Focus on converting leads into customers or program participants.

🧰 AI Tools presented by MyZone.AI

AI tools to Create Visually Stunning Marketing Materials: Streamline your design processes, ignite your creativity, and produce captivating visuals with these tools. Ideal for marketers aiming for visually stunning materials!

This AI design tool is specifically designed for branded content and product photography. It enables users to quickly create visuals with just a few clicks using a drag-and-drop interface, scene construction, and smart prompt recommendations.

Piktochart is an AI-powered tool that can help create infographics, presentations, and reports quickly and easily, with customizable templates and design elements.

This tool can create logos, videos, banners, and mockups with AI in just a few minutes, making it easy to produce high-quality visuals quickly without any design experience.

🪄 Prompt of the Day

Write follow up emails using AI:

"A customer makes a purchase", write a follow-up email to send, thanking them for their purchase and ask them to leave a review or feedback.

Instructions: [Describe how you want it.]

You should get an answer similar to this:

🤖 And that's a wrap on this edition of MyZone.AI Newsletter

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We are glad to empower your business with the latest advancements and updates in the AI space 🦾

Until next time!

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