🤖 Nvidia and Google's AI Chip Duel & OpenAI's Salary Surge

Unveil the power shifts in AI tech: Nvidia's revenue leap, OpenAI's salary game-changer, Google's chip advance, Apple's AI move, and AI's medical marvel.

Hello there!

Here’s today’s summary:

🔝 Nvidia's Dominance Sparks Profit Surge
🧠 OpenAI's Six-Figure Compensation Craze
📲 Apple's iPhones Get Smarter with AI
🚀 Google's AI Chip Outpaces Its Peers
💊 AI: A New Frontier in Antibiotic Discovery
📚 How to Create Consistent Characters Using AI Tools
🧰 AI Tools presented by MyZone.AI
🪄 Prompt of the Day

Reading time: 6 minutes

🗞️ Hottest News

1.🔝 Nvidia's Dominance Sparks Profit Surge

Nvidia's strategic play in GPUs is setting the stage to potentially overtake Intel and Samsung in the semiconductor revenues race. The company's revenue is on a trajectory to more than double by January 2024—ushering in a critical era for businesses immersed in the AI and machine learning sphere.

2.🧠 OpenAI's Six-Figure Compensation Craze

Generative AI's monumental year sets the stage for OpenAI's compensation leap, with AI engineers eyeing up to $800K annually. As OpenAI preps for new ventures and a whopping $100B funding round, the tight competition for AI talent is creating an attractive high-paying career landscape.

Source 🔎

3.📲 Apple's iPhones Get Smarter with AI

Apple is revolutionizing the iPhone with integrated Large Language Models for enhanced multitasking. While this leap propels convenience, it raises questions around our dependence on AI. Navigating this new reality demands we infuse our marketing with a touch of precaution, ensuring consumer well-being remains paramount.

Source 🔎

4.🚀 Google's AI Chip Outpaces Its Peers

Google fires back with its new TPU v5p, promising up to 2.8x faster LLM training than its predecessor. With cost-efficiency and scalability beating even Nvidia’s H100, this chip is a game-changer for tech leaders seeking superior AI infrastructures and service offerings.

Source 🔎

5.💊 AI: A New Frontier in Antibiotic Discovery

Leveraging deep learning, MIT researchers set the stage for a medical renaissance, pinpointing a new antibiotic class to combat MRSA. As AI rekindles the flame of antibiotic discovery, we witness yet another sector touched by AI’s transformative spark, potentially saving lives and reshaping pharmaceutical R&D.

Source 🔎

📚 How To

How to Create Consistent Characters Using AI Tools

  1. Collect Reference Images

    • Gather multiple images of characters or styles that align with your desired consistency. Ensure they share a common visual theme.

  2. Setup your AI Tool

    • Log in to AI tools like EverArt, Leonardo AI, or Runway that support style replication. EverArt is recommended for its results.

  3. Prepare Training Data

    • Use a GPT tool for prompt generation or manually create prompts for character creation.

    • Example 1: "Create a character in the style of a hand-drawn Japanese animation boy, inside his house."

    • Example 2: "Create a consistent character resembling this image [insert image address] in various settings."

  4. Enhance Image Variability

    • Utilize zoomed-in and zoomed-out images of your characters to capture details and full-body shots.

    • For close-up and long shots, set prompts with multiple angles or character sheets.

    • Experiment with Canva or Photoshop to refine images if needed.

  5. Low Image Weight for Style Reference

    • In prompts for additional characters or settings, use the "D-IW 0.5" parameter to reference the style but not replicate the exact image.

  6. Style Tuner (Optional)

    • Explore the Mid Journey Style Tuner for refining style preferences. Copy the code link and use it in prompts with the "style" parameter.

  7. Training Data Recap

    • Ensure good training data by following these steps: subtlety, image variety, multiple angles, and style replication with low image weight.

  8. Training the AI Model

    • Upload your prepared images to the AI tool.

    • Train the model, allowing it to learn from your reference images.

  9. Crafting Your Characters

    • Use simple prompts for character creation, focusing on style rather than explicit details.

    • Specify colors if necessary or provide varied training images to prevent color repetition.

  10. Experiment and Refine 

    • Test different prompts, including settings or character combinations, to explore the AI's capabilities.

    • Copy and use prompt links for continuous refinement.

🧰 AI Tools presented by MyZone.AI

AI Tools for Automating Sales Processes and Increasing Revenue: Discover how these 3 tools can help you streamline your sales process and improve interactions with potential clients.

AI-powered conversational AI tool for automating conversations and improving customer service, ideal for businesses and organizations looking to save time on messaging and automate conversations.

Salee, an AI-powered tool, enables the creation of personalized messages for targeted audiences, driving increased conversions for marketers and sales professionals.

AI-powered lead management and prospecting automation tool for sales professionals and teams looking to increase efficiency and achieve better results effortlessly.

🪄 Prompt of the Day

Answer Misconceptions with Facts:

Generate a list of common misconceptions about [product/service] and the facts to dispel them.

Product = [Insert here]

You should get an answer similar to this:

🤖 And that's a wrap on this edition of MyZone.AI Newsletter

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Until next time!

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