🤖 Future-Proof AI Skills & AI Safety Leadership

Discover how India’s AI workforce is expanding, the U.S. prioritizes AI safety, and the UK invests in AI innovation.

Hello there!

Here’s today’s summary:

🌐 Microsoft's AI Training Mission in India
🛡️ U.S. Appoints AI Safety Czar
🔃 Cisco Partners with Nvidia for AI
🌟 UK's Precision AI Investment
❓️ Nadella: Awaiting AI Race, Skilling 2M Indians
📚 How To Create your Own AI Music Video Using Kyber AI
🧰 AI Tools presented by MyZone.AI
🪄 Prompt of the Day

Reading time: 6 minutes

🗞️ Hottest News

1.🌐 Microsoft's AI Training Mission in India

Striving for an AI-Skilled India, Microsoft plans to educate 2 million individuals on AI by 2025, targeting vast urban and rural landscapes. This not only prepares the workforce for imminent AI disruptions but also abides by ethical imperatives to mitigate inequality, positioning India at the forefront of responsible AI deployment.

2.🛡️ U.S. Appoints AI Safety Czar

The U.S. turbocharges AI Security with policy expert Elizabeth Kelly heading the newly minted USAISI. Her mission to weave safety into the AI narrative is pivotal as the U.S. aligns with global leaders, embedding trust and governance in the heart of AI innovation.

Source 🔎

3.🔃 Cisco Partners with Nvidia for AI

Redefining AI Infrastructure, Cisco, and Nvidia unite to challenge Cloud's Big Three. By melding advanced AI chips with robust server platforms, they're democratizing AI for enterprises across the board, signaling a promising shift in cost and innovation trajectories.

Source 🔎

4.🌟 UK's Precision AI Investment

Crafting Sector-Specific AI Ecosystems, the UK pledges £100 million to AI research, channeling efforts into precision sectors like healthcare. While responsive to governance with a regulatory skill-uplift, a wider viewpoint may be vital to maintain global AI clout.

Source 🔎

5.❓️ Nadella: Awaiting AI Race, Skilling 2M Indians

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella spoke at a company event in Mumbai, emphasizing the significance of AI technology in boosting productivity and urging businesses not to lag behind. He praised India's talent base in AI development and announced Microsoft's plan to provide AI skilling opportunities to 2 million Indians in smaller cities and towns.

Source 🔎

📚 How To

How To Create your Own AI Music Video Using Kaiber AI:

  1. Choose a Video Style: Navigate to Kaiber AI and select your desired video style; for hip hop, choose "Graffiti" to match the genre.

  2. Enter a Prompt: Write a creative prompt or use a tool like ChatGPT to generate one, ensuring it aligns with your music theme.

  3. Select Music: Find a suitable track on a platform like Epidemic Sound. Download and upload the music file to Kaiber AI.

  4. Set Video Options: Define video length, typically the first 30 seconds of the song for quicker generation.

    • Choose aspect ratio, 16x9 is standard for most platforms.

    • Pick a favorite transition, like zoom in for effect.

    • Adjust the Evolve level for desired visual dynamics.

  5. Generate Previews: Click to generate previews based on your settings. Review the previews and select the starting scene that best matches your vision.

  6. Create and Edit Scenes: Use the "Scene" feature to add dynamic visual changes throughout the video. For each new scene, adjust the timing and evolve settings to maintain viewer interest.

  7. Finalize and Generate Video: Once satisfied with the scene previews, generate the final video. Review the generated AI music video, ensuring it transitions smoothly and captures the energy of the track.

  8. Utilize Additional Features: Explore other Kaiber AI features like the "Transform" option, which can remodel existing footage into a new style. For detailed editing or specific needs, combine various features and prompt adjustments.

🧰 AI Tools presented by MyZone.AI

AI Tools for Automating Sales Processes and Increasing Revenue: Discover how these 3 tools can help you streamline your sales process and improve interactions with potential clients.

AI-powered conversational AI tool for automating conversations and improving customer service, ideal for businesses and organizations looking to save time on messaging and automate conversations.

Salee, an AI-powered tool, enables the creation of personalized messages for targeted audiences, driving increased conversions for marketers and sales professionals.

AI-powered lead management and prospecting automation tool for sales professionals and teams looking to increase efficiency and achieve better results effortlessly.

🪄 Prompt of the Day

Answer Misconceptions with Facts:

Generate a list of common misconceptions about [product/service] and the facts to dispel them.

Product = [Insert here]

You should get an answer similar to this:

🤖 And that's a wrap on this edition of MyZone.AI Newsletter

If you would like to reach out to our team, respond this email or send us an email to [email protected]

We are glad to empower your business with the latest advancements and updates in the AI space 🦾

Until next time!

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