🤖 Amazon's AI Chatbot Q Rivals ChatGPT

Discover Amazon's latest AI chatbot 'Q' and unravel the ethical quandaries in Sports Illustrated's AI-authored content saga.

Hello there!

Here’s today’s summary:

🤖 Amazon Unveils 'Q': A New Force in AI Chatbot Domain
🎥 Pika Labs's AI Video Platform: A New Era in Video Creation
🎙️ AWS Transcription Reinvented with Generative AI
💻 Dell and Imbue's $150M AI Hardware Collaboration
✍️ Sports Illustrated's AI Authorship Raises Ethical Flags
📚 How to Build Custom Actions for GPTs Without Coding
🧰 AI Tools presented by MyZone.AI
🪄 Prompt of the Day

Reading time: 6 minutes

🗞️ Hottest News

1.🤖 Amazon Unveils 'Q': A New Force in AI Chatbot Domain

Stepping up to rival ChatGPT, Amazon has introduced 'Q', an AI-powered business chatbot. With capabilities like content synthesis and communication streamlining, Q marks Amazon's significant foray into AI research and applications.

2.🎥 Pika Labs's AI Video Platform: A New Era in Video Creation

Pika Labs secures a hefty $55M and unveils Pika 1.0, a pioneering AI video platform, challenging established players like Runway. With its burgeoning user base, Pika is poised to revolutionize AI-driven video generation.

Source 🔎

3.🎙️ AWS Transcription Reinvented with Generative AI

Amazon Transcribe leaps forward with generative AI, now recognizing 100 languages with increased accuracy and versatility. This enhancement promises to redefine speech recognition and analytics, offering a glimpse into the future of AI transcription.

Source 🔎

4.💻 Dell and Imbue's $150M AI Hardware Collaboration

Dell Technologies partners with AI startup Imbue in a $150 million deal, aiming to redefine AI model training. Leveraging Dell's hardware and Nvidia's GPUs, Imbue aspires to push the boundaries of AI reasoning and problem-solving.

Source 🔎

5.✍️ Sports Illustrated's AI Authorship Raises Ethical Flags

The Arena Group faces scrutiny after using AI-generated writers for Sports Illustrated. The revelation of fake authors and AI-authored content has sparked a debate on ethics in journalism, underscoring the delicate balance between technology and trust.

Source 🔎

📚 How To

How to Build Custom Actions for GPTs Without Coding:

  1. Introduction to Relevance AI: Sign up for a free Relevance AI account.

    Relevance AI is a no-code platform that allows you to create custom actions for your GPT models.

  2. Explore Templates: In the Relevance AI dashboard, click on "Templates."

    Browse through the available templates to find actions that suit your needs. Templates are pre-built actions that you can customize.

  3. Modify Templates (Optional): Clone a template to customize it for your specific use case. Remove unnecessary fields or inputs to simplify the action.

  4. Create Custom Actions: After customizing a template, click on "Custom Actions for GPTs" to export it for use with your GPT model.

  5. Configure Your GPT Model: Go to the OpenAI GPT interface where you have your GPT model. Create a new GPT or edit an existing one.

  6. Add Custom Actions: Under the "Custom Actions" section, paste the API schema code generated by Relevance AI. This code connects your GPT model with the custom actions you've created.

  7. Set Up API Key: In Relevance AI, generate an API key for your custom actions. Paste this API key into the GPT model's configuration for authorization.

  8. Configure User-Friendly Prompts (Optional): Create user-friendly prompts within your GPT model. Describe each custom action and its purpose to make it more accessible.

  9. Test Your Custom Actions: Use your GPT model to test the custom actions you've added. Ensure they work as expected and provide the desired responses.

  10. Save Your GPT Model: Once you've added and tested the custom actions, save your GPT model configuration.

  11. Integration and Deployment (Optional): Depending on your use case, you can integrate your GPT model with various platforms, websites, or applications. This step may require additional coding or integration work.

  12. Feedback and Iteration: Continuously gather feedback from users to improve your custom actions. Iterate on your GPT model and actions to enhance their performance and usefulness.

🧰 AI Tools presented by MyZone.AI

AI Tools for Content Creation: Together, these tools are game-changers for individuals and businesses aiming to optimize their content creation and management processes.

Propel your content creation with WriteMe.ai, an AI tool designed to transform your raw ideas into polished, compelling copy. This platform is a treasure for anyone striving to produce high-quality and engaging content with minimal exertion.

Supercharge your content generation process with ContentBot, an AI-powered assistant that rephrases and enhances your material, ensuring your content is always fresh and engaging. Additionally, with its effective project management feature, you can stay organized and on track with your writing projects.

Accelerate your content production and distribution with Postly's suite of AI tools. With capabilities like AI writer, chat, art, and a hashtag generator, this platform is a game-changer for brands aiming to optimize their content's reach across multiple social media platforms.

🪄 Prompt of the Day

Reduce Cart Abandonments:

Brainstorm and give me 10 ideas to reduce cart abandonment rates on [website]. Think of reasons why customers might leave [items] in their cart without completing the purchase.

Website = [Insert here]

Items = [Insert here]

You should get an answer similar to this:

🤖 And that's a wrap on this edition of MyZone.AI Newsletter

If you would like to reach out to our team, respond this email or send us an email to [email protected]

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Until next time!

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