🤖 AI Ascends: Smart Glasses & Petite Power Models

Dive into AI's latest exploits, from smart glasses enhancements to groundbreaking small language models.

Hello there!

Here’s today’s summary:

🤝 Open Source AI: Federal Focus Realigns
🛡️ AI Safety Quest: Tech Giants Unite!
🚀 Harvey Soars High with AI Legal Boost
🤯 Phi-2: Mighty AI in Miniature Form!
👓️ Meta's Ray-Ban AI: See the Future Now
📚 How to Write the Perfect Cold Email Using AI | Email Strategy
🧰 AI Tools presented by MyZone.AI
🪄 Prompt of the Day

Reading time: 6 minutes

🗞️ Hottest News

1.🤝 Open Source AI: Federal Focus Realigns

The Biden Administration weighs the societal implications of open source AI, prompting the NTIA to strike a balance between innovation and safety. While AI's accessibility could transform the landscape, the debate on how much should be public domain intensifies, paralleling the secrecy levels of nuclear codes. With a strategic stance on fostering auditable AI, NTIA's July report might just reshape the AI ecosystem for entrepreneurs and marketers.

2.🛡️ AI Safety Quest: Tech Giants Unite!

Industry leaders and the Cloud Security Alliance rally behind the AI Safety Initiative, targeting ethical AI integration and assurance programs. This move signals a collective commitment to harnessing AI responsibly, with progress discussions hitting the spotlight at major tech summits. Stay tuned, as these conversations will shape the frameworks for risk-aware, innovative AI deployments.

Source 🔎

Legal AI startup Harvey's upcoming funding round not only balloons its valuation to $700 million but also validates investor trust in AI-driven market disruption. Watch this space, as it indicates a lucrative trajectory for AI adoption, promising ample opportunities across varied industries. AI's unprecedented climb continues to capture the imagination and wallets of savvy investors.

Source 🔎

4.🤯 Phi-2: Mighty AI in Miniature Form!

Microsoft's Phi-2 breaks the mold, showing us that size isn't all in AI—small language models can play in the big leagues too. It's a game-changer, especially for applications where efficiency and specificity take precedence over sheer scale. With such lean and mean models, AI's barriers tumble down, nudging us towards broader, cost-effective implementations.

Source 🔎

5.👓️ Meta's Ray-Ban AI: See the Future Now

Meta's new AI update on Ray-Ban smart glasses pushes the envelope, adding an interactive layer to users' perceptions. Executives and digital marketers, recognize this as your cue for pioneering services and immersive campaigns. As smart wearables get smarter, our strategies should adapt to match this incoming wave of user-centric, contextual technologies.

Source 🔎

📚 How To

How to Write the Perfect Cold Email Using AI | Email Strategy:

  1. Understanding Cold Emails: Cold emails are messages sent to people you haven't met. They aim to initiate a conversation and build interest.

  2. Finding Email Addresses: Use LinkedIn connections or check target websites for contact details. Tools like Hunter.io and ZoomInfo can assist.

  3. Crafting Subject Lines: Personalize subject lines to catch attention, keep them short, and make the recipient curious. Avoid clickbait subject lines. Ensure they match the email's content.

  4. Keeping Emails Concise: People are busy, so keep emails short and to the point. Use bullet points to improve readability.

  5. Grabbing Attention: Start with a personalized reference to the recipient's interests or profile. Make the email about them, not you.

  6. Including a Clear Call to Action (CTA): Specify the next step you want the recipient to take, such as scheduling a call. Make the CTA clear and easy to follow.

  7. Follow-Up Emails: If there's no response, send polite follow-up emails expressing continued interest. Don't be discouraged by a lack of initial response.

  8. Using AI for Cold Emails (Gravity Write): Access an AI tool like Gravity Write to streamline cold email creation. Fill in details about your goal, recipient, and yourself. The tool generates personalized cold emails quickly.

  9. Adjusting Tone: Tailor the tone of the email to your preference, such as professional, casual, or friendly. Gravity Write allows you to choose from different tones.

  10. Creating Follow-Up Emails with AI: Use Gravity Write to generate follow-up emails that align with your initial email. Customize the follow-up email as needed.

🧰 AI Tools presented by MyZone.AI

AI Tools for Customer Support and Communication: Discover how these 3 tools can help you revolutionize your customer support and communication strategies. Learn to streamline responses, personalize messages, and monitor conversations in real-time, enhancing customer engagement and boosting your team's performance.

ConverseAI streamlines messaging with one-click responses, message summarization, and tone detection, enhancing customer service across multiple languages and platforms.

Salee, an AI-powered tool, enables the creation of personalized messages for targeted audiences, driving increased conversions for marketers and sales professionals.

LevelAI empowers customer service teams with real-time conversation monitoring, knowledge support, and AI-integrated analytics for enhanced performance and customer engagement.

🪄 Prompt of the Day

Engaging Email Series:

Create a series of automated emails that will inform customers about [products/services] and encourage them to purchase. Emails should be friendly and concise.

Products = [Insert here]

You should get an answer similar to this:

🤖 And that's a wrap on this edition of MyZone.AI Newsletter

If you would like to reach out to our team, respond this email or send us an email to [email protected]

We are glad to empower your business with the latest advancements and updates in the AI space 🦾

Until next time!

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